Appel Kaneel Broodjes Scent bottle

 9,68 738,10 Incl. VAT

Green apple and Cinnamon.
Ingredients: Cinnamon, Apple, Pastry, Butter.

Which bottle do I need?

This diffuser only works with: 15ml brown bottle. This is delivered as standard upon purchase.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

15ml brown bottle
150ml blue bottle
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 180ml Scents Elite BT bidon. This is delivered as standard upon purchase.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

180ml Scents Elite BT bidon
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


AS 250: This diffuser only works with: 110 ml bottle. This is delivered as standard upon purchase.

AS 250+: This diffuser only works with: 150 ml blue bottle. This is not delivered as standard upon purchase, you must buy one.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

150ml blue bottle
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 150 ml blue bottle. This is not delivered as standard upon purchase, you must buy one.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

150ml blue bottle
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 150 ml blue bottle. This is not delivered as standard upon purchase, you must buy one.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

150ml blue bottle
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 500 ml blue bottle. This is not delivered as standard upon purchase, you must buy one.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 1000 ml blue bottle. This is not delivered as standard upon purchase, you must buy one.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 2500 ml aluminium bidon. This is not delivered as standard upon purchase, you must buy one.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

2500ml aluminium bidon


This diffuser only works with: 2000 ml Aero Wifi bidon. This is delivered as standard upon purchase.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

2000ml white bidon


This diffuser only works with: 850ml Venue Master bidon. This is delivered as standard upon purchase.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

850ml Venue Master bidon


This diffuser only works with: 20 ml brown bottle. You cannot longer purchase this diffuser, but you can purchase a refill.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

20ml brown bottle
150ml blue bottle
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 60 ml brown bottle (not possible to buy). You cannot longer purchase this diffuser, but you can purchase a refill.

You can refill the fragrance for this device. Available refill bottles:

150ml blue bottle
500ml blue bottle
1000ml blue bottle


This diffuser only works with: 2000 ml blue bidon. You cannot longer purchase this diffuser, but you can purchase refills and the original bidon.

Available refill bottles:

2000ml blue bidon


15ml brown bottle

15ml brown bottle

180ml Scents Elite BT

500ml blue bottle

500ml blue bottle

2000ml Aero Wifi

2000ml Aero Wifi bidon

20ml brown bottle

20ml brown bottle

450ml brown bottle

250ml brown bottle

850ml Venue Master

2000ml blue bidon

2000ml blue bidon

150ml blue bottle

150ml blue bottle

450ml brown bottle

450ml brown bottle

1000ml blue bottle

1000ml blue bottle

2500ml aluminium bidon

2500ml aluminium bidon