Combining scents and colors

Combining scents and colors

There are organizations that categorize odors based primarily on colors and color classifications. However, we believe this is only one of many possible approaches and not always fully useful. Nevertheless, we think it is important enough to share this interesting and...
With scent experience more sales!

With scent experience more sales!

Scent marketing is a modern approach to marketing that focuses on creating scent experiences. Research has shown that providing an optimal fragrance experience can lead to a significant increase in sales, up to 20%. Clearly, offering the right scent can influence the...
Fragrance diffusion for the home

Fragrance diffusion for the home

Choose your fragrance for your home! With this, you create tranquillity and beauty. Let’s assume that you are fully convinced of the benefits of scent experience, just as we at Scents have long been. This conviction has led to a significant increase in sales and...